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2019 Residential Prices

All tuition, accommodation, meals, materials, field trips and evening activities are included in the price of a residential.*


In 2019 the price of the Summer School will be £549. This is an increase on previous years but when you see the accommodation at the new venue, you'll be impressed! All rooms are ensuite (bar one which has its own dedicated bedroom).


Registration requires a deposit of £80.



This can be paid online, via bank transfer, Paypal or even a cheque to the address at the bottom of this page. Bank transfer is best as it saves us on Paypal charges:



Gift Courses LLP

Sort code: 401708

Acc No.: 22380781

Please use your child's name as a reference.



*GIFT is very fortunate in having the long-term support of a couple of charities that can often provide bursaries to cover part of the cost of attending for families who would otherwise be unable to send their child. Please contact us for more information.

GIFT has been supporting the brightest and most curious young minds for over 40 years.



We run residential weekends, workshop days, online clubs and Summer Schools for secondary age children. These are relaxed, informal opportunities to explore unusual subjects in depth, meet like-minded peers and form lasting friendships.


People often comment that it's nice to be somewhere that they can enjoy learning about unusual things without being judged or the pressure of exams.


We also provide day workshops, advice and training for schools and home educators working with all age groups.


Bursaries are often available to support students who would otherwise be unable to attend.

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